Published: 23 September 2024
Last updated: 1 October 2024
Fadi Kazmuz
I used to think that by speaking Arabic, this could help to break barriers among people and different nationalities but since October 7, I have found myself being a victim of violence for answering two different Lebanese uber drivers’ questions as to where I’m from. It seems that in Australia saying “I’m Israeli” in Arabic creates hatred. Not to mention having to deal with non- Middle Eastern Australians who chant “from the/to the” not knowing which river or sea and the actual meaning for such a slogan.
Nevertheless, I decided that while I oppose the government in Israel as it is a dangerous radical government with two fascist parties and while I believe war is a terrible choice, it is time to stand proud for my country and my people – my fellow Israelis who are a mix of Jews and Arabs from all religions and colours.
So, I unapologetically drive my car with a sticker of the flag of Israel next to the rear number plate and I engage in educating our haters. It is ok to support the Palestinian people’s quest for freedom and right to self-determination by having their own independent state living in peace with the state of Israel. It is ok to criticise the Israeli government and its policy/actions: I do it and Israelis back home have been doing it since this government was formed. But it is NOT okay to attack Jews and Israelis for being who we are. You can’t claim the Israel is breaching human rights when you are breaching those same rights by not respecting the other.
We are all in this together, Jewish Australians and All Israeli Australians (including Christians like me /Arabs / Muslims… ) At times like this the “togetherness” and “belonging” are very important… so please count us in. We are together – we are many but we are one and face same harassment, dangerous acts of violence.