Published: 14 July 2020
Last updated: 4 March 2024
What next, if the two-state dream is dead? (Jewish Chronicle)
JONATHAN FREEDLAND: 'Israeli Jews and Palestinians now inhabit a single political space'
Peter Beinart's one-state solution sounds so perfect it's practically utopian (Haaretz)
ANSHEL PFEFFER: I’d love to live in Beinart’s peaceful hyphenated state of 'Israel-Palestine.' But I can’t vote for it. No one actually living here is proposing it. And that’s exactly where his thesis unravels
The resilient fiction of the two-state solution (Jewish Currents)
JOSHUA LEIFER: The lack of a viable two-state solution doesn’t mean liberal Zionists will stop believing in one
Bitter brouhaha proves Beinart struck raw liberal-Zionist nerve (Haaretz)
CHEMI SHALEV: His argument for a non-Jewish one state solution may be flawed but nonetheless exposes deepening angst of two-state supporters
Once an outspoken advocate of two states, Peter Beinart now abandoning concept (Times of Israel)
Journalist makes case for binational state, saying it’s time for liberal Zionists to ditch Jewish-Palestinian separation ‘and embrace the goal of Jewish-Palestinian equality’
Photo: Peter Beinart (Flash90)