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Crying antisemitism drowns out the real problem

It is a mistake to assume that criticism of Israel is antisemitic, even if that criticism appears offensive and exaggerated.
Dennis Altman
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Australian flag and poster reading 'From the river to the sea Palestine will be free' displayed by people on a high wall.

Pro-Palestine protesters hang banners from the top of Parliament House in Canberra (AAP Image/Lukas Coch)

Published: 15 July 2024

Last updated: 15 July 2024

This article is a response to Deborah Stone’s article Lived experience, paranoia and slippery antisemitism.

Dear Deborah,

Like you I am worried about rising antisemitism, but unlike you I am unwilling to accept that criticism of Israel's status as a defined Jewish state is itself antisemitic.

The idea of defining a state in this way—which applies equally to the Islamic Republic of Iran—marginalises the 25% of Israelis who are not Jews. And the examples given in the IHRA definition include a prohibition on calling Israel a racist state. It is ironic that in a country in which it is very frequent to hear supporters of Indigenous Australians define ours as a racist state, it is somehow improper to state this of Israel​.

My grandfather, Aaron Patkin, was a leading Australian Zionist; he died when I was six, so I only know of his views second hand. But I understand why he came to this position after the Holocaust.

Eighty years later Zionism has become for some people a sort of ethnic superiority which denies equal claims to recognition by Palestinians. If we are unable to talk about this within the Jewish community we are doing a great disservice to both Palestinians and Israelis.

It is particularly depressing to hear Israeli spokesmen deny that there is a Palestinian nation, when this was the jibe thrown at Zionists who argued for a Jewish state. Maybe the first step is to stress what the two peoples share, rather than to support a situation where one is apparently to be kept permanently under the yoke of the other.

Last week I spent a very moving few hours at the Holocaust Museum. I defy anyone who has watched the regular footage coming from Gaza not to draw parallels, a view that many of our community peak bodies would claim is antisemitic. I would counter that it is the opposite, that precisely because of our own history we should be able to feel the pain of Palestinians and face up to the reality of policies that equate a Jewish homeland with the dispossession of people with an equal claim to a homeland.

I, too, am troubled by chants of 'From the rivers to the sea". But let us be honest and acknowledge that this is also the intent of the Netanyahu government

I am horrified by the apparent disinterest of Hamas in protecting its own citizens by using schools and hospitals as military bases, but I am equally horrified by reports that IDF forces will destroy civilian infrastructure with considerable loss of life in the hope of killing a small number of terrorists—and, quite likely, some of the Israeli hostages as well.

I, too, am troubled by chants of 'From the rivers to the sea". But let us be honest and acknowledge that this is also the intent of the Netanyahu government, which clearly is determined to maintain control of the entire area of Israel/Palestine. Life in the occupied territories of the West Bank is reminiscent of life for Jews in the old Russian Pale, from which so many of our ancestors fled. 

I have no magic solution to the conflict; whatever the rights and wrongs of the argument, it is indisputable that the growth of Jewish settlements on the West Bank makes the Oslo Peace proposals no longer viable. But the idea that Israel can continue to deny recognition of the rights of seven million Palestinians is equally delusional. 

In Australia, the Opposition has seized on antisemitism as a stick to beat Albanese with and is now demanding an Inquiry into antisemitism on Australian Campuses. My own campus is an outer-suburban one, probably more typical of Australian universities than either Melbourne or Sydney. We had a small pro-Palestinian encampment, but from what I can see the vast bulk of students were unaffected and not very interested. If there are clear examples of antisemitism they need be dealt with, but grandstanding by Liberal politicians will not address the root of the problem.

Instead of claiming accusations of ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’ are antisemitic, we need listen to them and engage with the debate

My own experience suggests that many students come from cultural backgrounds where a low-level antisemitism is rife, and universities need to address this, a more complex problem than wiping out offensive graffiti.

Antisemitism has multiple roots, and the current conflict has allowed hidden hatreds to surface. I am less worried by the crazy end of the Palestine supporters [in my experience often not Arab] than by the rise of neo-Nazi groups and a resurgence of Nazi-style rhetoric on the dark web.

There is clearly antisemitism being preached in some Muslim gatherings, and I hope these will be dealt with under existing Australian law. But to conflate this with attacks on Israel is to make a great mistake. Fatima Payman and Mehreen Faruqi are not our real enemies; the bands of young men, chanting Nazi-inspired slogans are.

It would be a great mistake to assume that criticism of Israel is antisemitic, even if that criticism appears offensive and exaggerated. Instead of claiming accusations of ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’ are antisemitic, we need listen to them and engage with the debate. That the International Criminal Court has ruled against both Hamas and Israeli leaders should lead us to a far more critical stance towards Israel than our major community organisations are prepared to countenance.

I live in the federal electorate of Cooper, which was named after William Cooper, who led an Indigenous protest against Nazi Germany after the horrors of Kristalnacht. His ability to empathise with others who were margnalised and persecuted should be an inspiration for those Jews who want both to save the people of Israel and do so while also saving the people of Palestine.


About the author

Dennis Altman

Dennis Altman is Vice Chancellor's Fellow at LaTrobe University. His most recent books are God Save the Queen: the strange persistence of monarchies, and Death in the Sauna.


  • Avatar of Robert Durkacz

    Robert Durkacz11 August at 07:29 pm

    May I say that I do not believe Mr Altman in saying that we have anti-semitism in Australia and he is far more moderate in his assessment than other jews who engage with ordinary Australians from time to time (thinking of Deborah Conway and Michael Gawenda) not to mention contributors to on-line forums including in this case ‘Faust’ and Abe James.

    We know about anti-semitism from history. I am not Polish but have a Polish surname and enough family connections to know that there were communal tensions in pre-war Poland which were not unconnected with the subsequent genocide under German authority. Simply we do not have that in Australia and we do not have the social conditions for it. Australia is a very successfully multi-racial country. I take it is a slur on Australia to suggest otherwise and the suggestion is made all too often.

    Moreover, I doubt that those who say so are sincere. More likely they intend to intimidate us from disapproving what Israel does.

    Certainly as Mr Altman says criticising Israel is not anti-semitism. That special term should be reserved for the type of thing known from pre-war Europe.

    Australians understand that it is a bad idea to criticise racial or religious types in particular when there are repesentatives of those types living amongst us. On the other hand we may freely criticise foreign countries, whether with more thought and justification or less. The USA is a friendly country to Australia but it is not uncommon to hear anti-American views and there is no serious harm in that. Likewise Israel is a foreign country. Jews may well be particularly sentimental about Israel but they should not expect us to make allowances for that.

    Mr Altman believes evidently that we have anti-semitism amongst a small number of neo-nazis but surely these people are too insignificant to deserve recognition.

    When Mr Gawenda and Ms Conway allege anti-semitism it is always in connection with Israel. Moreover it is naively claimed that incidents of anti-semitism have increased since the Gaza strip rebellion. This only shows that the so-called anti-semitism is about disapproval of Israel, not some kind of spite towards Australian jews. Likwewise the two contributors before me to this forum are thinking about Israel.

  • Avatar of Faust

    Faust1 August at 01:26 pm

    “Fatima Payman and Mehreen Faruqi are not our real enemies; the bands of young men, chanting Nazi-inspired slogans are.”

    This is the worst kind of reductive, leftist, Ashkenazi thinking. It can be summed up as “I don’t want to acknowledge how bad antisemitism is from Muslim and progressive Australians, that this Islamo-Gauchisme has now reached Australia; so the threat isn’t sectarian voting or anti-Semitic double-standards pushed by Federal politicians but a vanishingly small percentage of far right incels.”

    I know it’s hard to acknowledge that anti-sémitism today comes predominantly from the Left and, ahem, “new” Australians. That the Australian Jewish community who were shielded from anti-semitism for decades and pushed for open borders now finds that those recent arrives are anti-Semitic, but burying your head in the sand doesn’t change things.

    Jews are truly in a damned position. Half of the worlds Jews who live in Israel are not allowed to defend themselves otherwise the other half who live around the world would be at threat of attack. What a perverse, no-win situation. It would be nice if Leftist Jews at least acknowledged that instead of acting like a modern day funktionshäftling gaslighting the rest of us.

  • Avatar of Abe James

    Abe James16 July at 09:22 pm

    ‘River to the Sea’ Slogan that is perpetrated by Anti-Israeli’s is GENOCIDAL Mr Altman , where as Currently there is approximately 7million Palestinians living from the ‘River to the Sea’ .

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